The whole universe is chaos.
This can be observed, above all, in nature. For billions of years crucial aspects of nature have been shaped purely by chance. People try to keep control over the natural chaos by planning, structuring, and organizing and mostly fail miserably because they no longer adapt but instead attempt to mold the world to their desires.

For several years Benjamin Baier had been painting by using only a conventional brush, until he realized what he doesn´t like about it: the finished work of art did not surprise him at all, since the path was already set from start to finish. That is why he eventually decided to paint not only with a brush anymore but also with a different, more coincidentally technique: with a squeegee.

The squeegee-technique helps him to trick his mind, so that it does not have the chance to make a plan at all. His idea is to stay present, to flow with the creation, to be able to adapt to sudden changes and to express himself in the current moment, without being bound to a fixed scheme controlling his creativity. With the squeegee he manages to paint impartially, just like a child, and at the same time, he can express his love for detail when looking more closely at the color gradients, which cannot be planned but rather evolve in the moment by chance. Just like the universe and our nature itself, his finished work of art will always be a wonderful surprise.

Benjamin Baier's works are created in his studios in Augsburg and Munich, the latter also being his home.